Sedation Dentistry in Winter Haven, Florida

Sedation Dentistry in Winter Haven, FL

With the advent of sedation dentistry, individuals who have long avoided dental care can now receive the necessary treatment they deserve. Sedation dentistry offers a way to alleviate anxiety and fear, allowing patients to feel more at ease during procedures.

At Dream Dental in Winter Haven, Dr. Carolina Londono prescribes oral conscious sedation as an effective method to safely induce relaxation during dental procedures. By reducing activity in the anxiety-controlling portion of the brain, our Winter Haven dentist can proceed with the procedure seamlessly, ensuring maximum comfort for the patient.

How Oral Conscious Sedation Works

This type of sedation dentistry is relatively straightforward. First, our Winter Haven dentist will prescribe a sedative pill that you will take before treatment. As the medication is absorbed into your bloodstream, you will start to feel more at ease. With oral conscious sedation, you are conscious but deeply relaxed throughout the entire procedure.

Next, you will be escorted to the dental chair, where your vital signs, such as blood pressure and oxygen saturation, will be monitored continuously. Afterward, our dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment area, which will prevent discomfort during the procedure. Finally, you will be able to relax and let go of any anxieties while the dentist carries out the procedure. At the end of the appointment, you may feel a little groggy and will need someone to drive you home.

For Anxiety Relief, Severe Gag Reflexes, & More

Oral conscious sedation is a safe, effective way to help patients relax during their appointments, which in turn leads to a more positive and stress-free dental experience. This type of sedation dentistry has many benefits for those who need it.

  • Anxiety & Phobias: Oral conscious sedation has come to the rescue of many individuals who suffer from dental anxiety or fear when undergoing dental procedures. It’s important to note that the medication can be given in varying degrees of strength, depending on the level of anxiety and the type of procedure being performed.
  • Fear of Needles: For some people, the thought of receiving a needle can send them into a panic. Whether it is due to a traumatic experience in the past or simply a fear of pain, this aversion can make dental procedures seem unbearable. That’s where oral conscious sedation comes in. This method uses medication to help patients relax and feel more comfortable during their appointments. The great thing about oral conscious sedation is that it doesn’t require needles at all.
  • Gag Reflexes: Gagging is an involuntary reflex that can make even routine dental procedures feel uncomfortable, making it difficult to relax and making appointments feel more stressful than they need to be. Thankfully, oral conscious sedation can help you feel relaxed and at ease throughout the procedure. But perhaps most importantly, it can help suppress your gag reflex, allowing our dentist to work quickly and efficiently without any distractions.

Say Goodbye to Uncomfortable Dental Visits

By opting for oral conscious sedation, patients can experience a more comfortable and stress-free dental visit, which ultimately improves their overall oral health and well-being. If you’ve been avoiding the dentist due to dental anxiety, fear of needles, or a severe gag reflex, call 863-508-2565 or message Dream Dental of Winter Haven. Sedation dentistry could make a difference in your next dental visit.